Powered by...
These are all the awesome OSS technologies that D-Map is build on.
A plugin for LeafletJS that enables clustering/declustering of marker groups.
Covered under the MIT license
A plugin for LeafletJS that enables a drawing-tool on the map.
Covered under the MIT license
A plugin for LeafletJS that enables buttons on the map.
Covered under the MIT license
A plugin for LeafletJS that enables address-search on the map.
Covered under the Apache License 2.0 license
A plugin for LeafletJS that shows the cursor's latitude and longitude coordinates.
Covered under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license
A plugin for LeafletJS that enables exporting of the map to an image file.
Covered under the MIT license
A plugin for LeafletJS that adds a feature styling interface.
Covered under the MIT license
A plugin for LeafletJS that adds a lenght scale to the map.
A plugin for LeafletJS that adds a position/zoom-level bookmarking-tool to the map.
A plugin for LeafletJS that adds custom polyline-decorations to the map.
Covered under the MIT license
A plugin for LeafletJS that adds ellipses to the map.
Covered under the Apache License 2.0 license
A plugin for LeafletJS that adds grid lines with lat/long markings to the map.
Font Awesome
An free and open icon-set written in CSS and JavaScript.
Covered under a custom license
Bootstrap v.4.0
A front-end framework written for mobile-first app development.
Covered under the MIT license
A front-end framework based on Bootstrap v.4.0 and Google's Material-Design.
Covered under a custom license